With All on 4 experience the Minimally Invasive Dental Implant Solution and discover a comfortable and effective way to restore your dental function and regain your confidence.


All-On-4 dental implants, alternatively referred to as “teeth in a day,” are a highly proficient and specialized solution employed to provide support for a complete denture bridge. This procedure offers the remarkable advantage of replacing all of your teeth within a single day, resulting in an entirely rejuvenated smile.

When compared to individual implants, All-On-4 Dental Implants emerge as an exceptional choice due to the utilization of a reduced number of implants, leading to a more expedited procedure. Consequently, this approach not only saves valuable time but also proves to be cost-effective in the long term.

These dental implants are particularly well-suited for patients with multiple consecutive teeth loss, as they facilitate the replacement of all these teeth through a hassle-free and seamless process.



Dr. Lillians Lyons

Board Certified Periodontist & Implantologist

Dr. Lillian Lyons’ vision is to treat each patient with an “integrative oral health approach”. She is focusing not only on treating patients’ teeth or gums, but also on the mouth–body connection as the key to patients’ well-being…


Dr. Adriana Wells

Board Certified Periodontist & Implantologist

Dr. Adriana Wells graduated from CES University, one of the top Dental Schools in Colombia. In 2000 she was granted a position at the International Exchange program from the Harvard Dental School of Medicine in Boston…



Experience the remarkable All-on-Four solution for patients seeking a same-day, fixed teeth restoration. With just four implants, this technique offers a full, non-removable dental bridge in a single day. Even individuals previously deemed ineligible for dental implants due to bone loss or compromised crown and bridgework can now qualify for the transformative benefits of All-On-Four surgery. Discover a convenient and effective solution that brings back your smile’s functionality and confidence.

Trust Your Care to a Periodontist! Se Habla Español

Make an appointment by clicking below or calling us at (936) 231-8937



We are extraordinarily proud of our team which is comprised of caring and dedicated professionals. They ensure that the patient’s surgical and administrative needs are met as efficiently and smoothly as possible.

Our goal is to make you feel comfortable and relaxed. We are here to listen to your questions and concerns and to help provide solutions leading to your better health.

If you’re searching for the best value in dental implants in Woodlands, TX area, look no further than Dental Specialists and Implant Center. Our expert staff and state-of-the-art equipment are dedicated to providing the best dental care for you and your family.

We offer affordable prices and savings offers, making dental implants accessible for everyone. 

At Dental Specialists and Implant Center, we understand the importance of a healthy and beautiful smile. We’re committed to providing personalized care and treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. With our expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, you can trust that you’re in good hands.




All-On-4 implants offer numerous benefits, providing a natural look and feel while efficiently replacing a full arch of teeth in a short time span. Here are the advantages of opting for All-On-4 implants:

  • Natural Look and Feel: All-On-4 implants closely resemble your natural teeth, enhancing your smile and restoring your confidence. They blend seamlessly with your existing teeth, providing a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance.


  • Long-Term Solution: Unlike dentures that may become loose or fall out unexpectedly, All-On-4 implants offer a permanent solution. Once the implants are securely fused to your jawbone, they provide a stable foundation, ensuring a long-lasting tooth replacement option.


  • Convenient and Hassle-Free: With All-On-4 implants, you can bid farewell to the inconvenience of removing dentures. These implants function just like your own teeth, eliminating the need for sticky dental adhesives and the hassle of taking them out for cleaning or maintenance.


  • Durability and Longevity: Once the All-On-4 implants have successfully integrated with your jawbone, they exhibit exceptional durability. With proper care and maintenance, these implants can last a lifetime, providing a reliable and long-lasting solution for tooth replacement.


  • Single Surgery Completion: The All-On-4 procedure is typically completed in a single surgery, minimizing discomfort and reducing the overall treatment timeline. Unlike traditional implant methods that may require multiple surgeries, All-On-4 implants offer a streamlined approach, allowing you to enjoy your new set of teeth sooner.


  • Fewer Implants, Cost Efficiency, and Faster Recovery: All-On-4 implants require fewer implants compared to individual dental implants, resulting in cost savings in the long run. Moreover, the reduced number of implants translates to shorter downtime after the surgery, enabling you to resume your regular activities more quickly.

In summary, All-On-4 implants provide the advantages of a natural appearance, long-term durability, convenience, and a streamlined treatment process. With their ability to deliver permanent and efficient full-arch tooth replacement, these implants offer a reliable solution that improves both oral functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Comparison: Conventional Dental Implants vs. All-on-Four.

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, two popular options are conventional dental implants and the All-on-Four technique. Both methods involve the use of dental implants, which are small titanium screws inserted into the jawbone to serve as a foundation for artificial teeth. However, there are some key differences between these approaches.

Conventional dental implants involve placing 6-8 implants into the jawbone to support a full fixed bridge. Each implant is individually positioned and serves as an anchor for either a single tooth or a bridge of teeth. This method is widely used and has been proven to be effective in providing long-lasting tooth replacements.

On the other hand, the All-on-Four technique offers an alternative solution for full arch rehabilitation. With this approach, only four implants are strategically placed in the jawbone. These implants are designed to provide sufficient support for a complete fixed bridge. By using fewer implants, this technique reduces the overall treatment time and cost while still offering a stable and functional restoration.

One of the advantages of conventional dental implants is their versatility. They can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or an entire arch. This flexibility allows for a customized treatment plan tailored to the patient’s specific needs. Additionally, conventional implants provide excellent stability and natural aesthetics, making them an ideal choice for those seeking a long-term tooth replacement solution.

On the other hand, the All-on-Four technique is particularly beneficial for patients with significant tooth loss or those who have experienced bone loss in the jaw. By angling the implants strategically, this technique maximizes the use of available bone and avoids the need for additional procedures, such as bone grafting. The All-on-Four approach offers a quicker and more streamlined treatment process, often allowing for immediate placement of a temporary prosthesis on the same day as the implant surgery.

In summary, both conventional dental implants and the All-on-Four technique have their merits and are effective tooth replacement options. The choice between these methods depends on various factors, including the patient’s oral health, bone structure, treatment goals, and budget. Consulting with a dental professional will help determine which approach is best suited for each individual’s unique circumstances.

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